суббота, 30 августа 2014 г.

Tabata on Type-0

У Котаку интервью с Табатой про типаноль. Важные моменты:

  • она выйдет в течение года (на Западе тоже)
  • никакого нового контента
  • 4 уровня сложности, потому что оригинал слишком сложный был

На неогафе подметили, как Табата пиздит.

  • September 2013: "The distance from which you look at the screen is different, as opposed to looking at a TV. Everything was made for this, the battle system and everything else. Now, if I was going to port it to the console environment, it would need a pretty large overhaul of the game systems. "
  • August 2014: "...in order to really bring out the best in this title, I felt that a bigger screen would be more appropriate in terms of the depth that it provides and the distance you have to the enemies, to the characters. It just made more sense to take it to the big screen."

И еще две цитаты Табаты.
As an over-arching theme, Type-0 is a war-themed game, so it's kind of like a war movie in a sense. Whereas XV is a road trip kind of movie and adventure that focuses on brotherhood.
In the PSP version, the conclusion, the ending, was actually very well received

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