среда, 2 мая 2012 г.

о том, как Торияма у Биоверу говно пиздил

Переводчик Том Слэттери рассказал занятное:
Toward the end of my time at Square Enix, I'd also written an article on an internal blog, leveraging some points from a book I'd read recently to call attention to trends in Western game design that I felt were lacking in a lot of Japanese games. It caught Motomu Toriyama's eye, and he asked me to expand on it in an hour-long presentation to the writers group. I think he was aware of many of those same issues. BioWare had given a really great talk at GDC 2010 about their approach to the dialogue system, player choice, and intuitive decision-making input. I shared the things I had gleaned from that presentation, further details from the book, and my own thoughts on a few issues as well, and it seemed to really spark some thought. I don't know how far-reaching the effects were, but I'd like to think it had some influence on the experimental new direction they took with Final Fantasy XIII-2.
То есть, Торияма даже не сам решил спиздить у Биовари выборы в диалогах - это переводчик на чистом энтузиазме поделился мыслями со скворечниковцами. Без Слэттери Торияма даже не догадался бы натырить западные наработки!

Ну и прекрасный форевер, конечно же, не мог не перевести это интервью с душой и любовью. Сравните:

  • BioWare had given a really great talk at GDC 2010 about their approach to the dialogue system, player choice, and intuitive decision-making input.
  • Разработчики BioWare на выставке GDC 2010 представили общественности умопомрачительные новшества, инновационную систему диалогов, полностью интерактивный геймплей, интуитивный механизм взаимодействия с окружающими.

Ну-ну. Stay classy, форевер.